Thursday, May 3, 2007

Presidential Debates

I'm disappointed to have missed the first round of Presidential debates with the Democratic candidates. And as I searched online for a video clip, I discovered video clips were unavailable...apparently a move by MSNBC to retain rights to the broadcast. Like many bloggers, I think this is a load of crap and that voters should be able to access primary resources like presidential debates on the internet. I had to rely on the media analysis of the debates; my weapon of choice was the ever popular Daily Show. Hell if I was going to read through the transcript but I guess I have no choice if I want the raw data...

The second round, however, is tonight featuring Republican candidates. The Ronald Reagan Library as the choosen venue is certainly powerful...a call for Republicans to revert their party to its previous glory and popularity, something that has been utterly destroyed in the six years of the Bush Administration.

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